Saturday, November 29, 2008

I don't normally comment a whole lot on political issues, maybe because I often feel inadequate in my knowledge of both sides on any subject. But, today I was reading an article on the church website (HERE) about a few statements given from people on both sides of the Prop. 8 controversy in California.

Most of you know there has been a massive attack on our church after the passing of prop. 8. It seems funny to me that people who work so hard in the name of "tolerance" is now calling for the dismissal of the voice of the majority. Where is their "tolerance?" Perhaps tolerance is only granted to those with whom you agree?

The reason I've decided to post about this topic is because of my concern for my children and the world that they face as they grow up. Will they have to face persecution because of their faith as "tolerance" continues to be redefined? Will they have to defend themselves and the church? Will they be ridiculed or loose friends because of their belief in the value of traditional family?

As children (and especially teenagers) there is a great deal of pressure to define who you are and the person you will become. What kinds of pressures will we have to counter-act as parents? What will be the fight and will we win?

As I ponder on these questions I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who understands my fears and concerns. I am grateful to know that I can turn to Him when I feel lost and that He will protect my children as thier faith in Him grows.

At this time when the church is under attack, it is our job to do what we can to protect and stand up for what our faith holds so dear. But while we stand up for what we believe in, we must show love and compassion to those who lack love and compassion for us.

"But I say unto you, LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you." (Matt 5: 44)

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Seven Year Itch!

Justin and I celebrated our seventh wedding anniversary yesterday. This particular anniversary reminds me of the phrase "seven year itch" when the (typically) husband will have an affair. When I googled the phrase, this photo came up. I guess Marilyn Monroe did a movie all about it!

Anyway, the last seven years have been so awesome. No itching here! We have three adorable kids that sometimes make us crazy, but we are so blessed to have the craziness in our home. We are especially blessed to be able to get away from all the craziness occasionally and spend sometime with just each other ( in Mexico!).

Thanks, babe, for the last seven years of being my husband. I love being your wife and look forward to many, many, many more years of craziness!

I saw it!

Well, I saw the movie. And I have to say, I liked it! I know a lot of people didn't really like it and were quite disappointed, but I went in with little to no expectations other than the obvious expecatation that it wouldn't compare to the book. How could it? How can any movie ever compare to the book? Movie directors simply do not have the vision that the authors of these wonderful books do, but I think they did an pretty decent job. Then again, I rarely don't like a movie that I see as long as it's clean, so my opinion may not be worth much. Anywho, I enjoyed the time out with a few girl friends and the freedom to forget all about the real world for just a minute. What did all of you think?

Thursday, November 20, 2008


. . . but I love Christmas time! As soon as November hits, sometimes even before that, I begin planning my Christmas decorations, where we might get a tree this year, and what kinds of music to play in the beginning so as not to drive my husband crazy with a "too early" Christmas. I love this time of year! I can't wait to see all the lights hanging on people's houses and all over town. I love going to the store and seeing a giant Christmas tree all decorated, coaxing you to make your way to the Christmas isles and purchase decorations for your house (which I always fall for). I'm so weak! I love Christmas! It feels so good all the time and people are nicer than they are the rest of the year and my kids get excited to see Santa and make a birthday cake for Jesus ( I think they just like to eat the cake). Not to mention all the great gifts you get to get for all those you love, big and small gifts and everything in between. I love you, Christmas! Why can't you come a bit earlier, like July, and maybe stay till April? I promise I would keep my tree up that long if you would just stay!

I also love being able to teach my children all the fun family traditions we have on the commercial side of Christmas and tell them about the importance of Christmas and the Savior which makes this time of year so special! They get really excited about giving gifts to other people, they can be so generous!

Hmmmmmmm. I love this time of year!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Green Man Walking

When we were in Mexico, Justin got such a kick out of the traffic lights for pedestrians that tells you when to walk and not to walk. We tried to take a video of them but none of our videos showed up. Thanks goodness for you tube! You can see what I'm talking about HERE. Notice how the little man gets faster as he runs out of time!


I love to play games, but I rarely win. Infact, a while back Justin said that he won't play games with me on Sunday's anymore because it brings too much contention into our hom! Did I mention that I'm not a very gracious loser?

Anyway, while in Mexico, we decided to play Monopoly, one of my favorite games that I never win.

Here is what it looks like when we play this game. Notice in the first picture (Justin's stuff) there is a great deal of cash and a good amount of property cards.

In the last picture (my stuff) you'll notice the complete lack of cash and the multiple properties now mortgaged out in order to pay my debts. The game got worse from there. Eventually, Justin had a good majority of my properties so we gave up (or I did). Did I mention that I'm a sore loser?
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To celebrate my birthday last month, my graduation last week, and our wedding annivesary next week, Justin and I decided to go to Rocky Point, Mexico. It was just the two of us and we had so much fun! We got to eat, sleep, and play whenever we wanted to, because the kids were at home with grandma! Although, we did miss them and look forward to taking them back in a few months.
Here is a picture of us at the warf (I think that's what you call it). We spent a good amount of time there shopping, getting fish at the market, and eating the yummiest tacos.

This is us at a yummy restaruant where we had an awsome vew of the ocean while we ate. It was very yummy. I had steak and shrimp wrapped in bacon and Justin had divorced fish. I thought that was a funny thing to order when we're celebrating our wedding anniversary!

The first night we got there we decided to go for a walk on the beach. The tide was out really far and we were able to walk on a lot of coral and found some fun sea shells that we brought back for the kids.

This is the view from our room. We loved where we stayed. I would highly recommed the Princessa. It's where we will stay when we take the kids. The pool area even has kiddy pools!

Overall, it was really nice to get away with my husband for a few days. Huge thanks to my mom who barely made it through the weekend. My kids sure kept her busy! She's probably still napping in order to recuperate!
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Sunday, November 9, 2008


I did it! I graduated!
(singing) "No more pencils, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks."

I graduated yesterday with my Bachelor of Science in Human Services. That's right folks! I'm edjumacated!

My family was so awsome to travel long distances from Montana, Kansas, and Texas to celebrate with me and my family.

Huge thanks to them and an even bigger thanks to my awsome husband who has played Mr. Mom every monday for the last 2.6 years. I could not have been able to reach this goal without his support and encouragement when things seemed overwhelming and stressful.

Do you love my cool hat!? Doctorate degree (and funny floppy hat) here I come! (eventually)

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Gracie's First Birthday

Yesterday was also Gracie's birthday. She's one-year-old! I can't believe how fast the past year has gone. She's grown so much. She's already walking, she says mama, dada, and baba (mostly repeatitivley, but I count them as words), she's crawling up and down stairs and becoming more and more independent every minute! Sometimes it makes me sad to think of how fast she is growing up, but I'm excited for all the things I have to look forward to as she does.

Opening presents was super fun for her. Particularly when she opened this gift! Money!!!!

Her little face is particularly adorable in this pic.
My mom made this cake for her and I loved it! Gracie loved eating it and wearing it all over her face. She thought it was quite tasty.

Overall, a good day!
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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm a Esme! I found out through Which Twilight Female Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

Guess I'm a mom through and through!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween's Past

I love Halloween and I'm a little sad that it's over already :(

So, I decided to post some pics from past Halloweens. Most of them were taken pre-digital camera days so I had to scan them onto the computer. That's how dedicated I am to sharing these fun memories with my viewers!

Justin and I dressed up most of the time, only missing two years. So, here are our families Halloween memories, starting with last year and ending with Rylee's first Halloween in 2003. It's so fun to see how little they use to be!

Have fun!






Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Traditions

Halloween is one of my very favorite times of the year. I love getting all dressed up in something fantastic and getting creative with themes for the kids. I love it all! We have a few traditions in out family that we do every year (or have for at least the last few). I put the posts in order of events so you can get the full effect of our Super Halloween Week!

We had a special treat this year to have Justin's mom and grandma here to enjoy the festivities with us! Now that it's all over, time to get ready for Christmas! (my next favorite time of the years).

Carving the Pumpkin

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Sugar Cookie Cutouts

I forgot to take pics of the cookies. sorry!
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Mother Nature's Pumpkin Patch

The fun hayride.

The kids like getting lost in the haystack maze.
My little animals!
I just think this picture is so cute!
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The theme this year for the kids was "bugs."

Could you just eat her up! Sooo cute! I love it!

Justin and I were dead Prom King and Queen. I came up with this earlier in the day and Justin got so many compliments! Doesn't he look a bit like Edward Cullins on Prom night!? Hot Hot Hot!
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