I don't normally comment a whole lot on political issues, maybe because I often feel inadequate in my knowledge of both sides on any subject. But, today I was reading an article on the church website (HERE) about a few statements given from people on both sides of the Prop. 8 controversy in California.
Most of you know there has been a massive attack on our church after the passing of prop. 8. It seems funny to me that people who work so hard in the name of "tolerance" is now calling for the dismissal of the voice of the majority. Where is their "tolerance?" Perhaps tolerance is only granted to those with whom you agree?
The reason I've decided to post about this topic is because of my concern for my children and the world that they face as they grow up. Will they have to face persecution because of their faith as "tolerance" continues to be redefined? Will they have to defend themselves and the church? Will they be ridiculed or loose friends because of their belief in the value of traditional family?
As children (and especially teenagers) there is a great deal of pressure to define who you are and the person you will become. What kinds of pressures will we have to counter-act as parents? What will be the fight and will we win?
As I ponder on these questions I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who understands my fears and concerns. I am grateful to know that I can turn to Him when I feel lost and that He will protect my children as thier faith in Him grows.
At this time when the church is under attack, it is our job to do what we can to protect and stand up for what our faith holds so dear. But while we stand up for what we believe in, we must show love and compassion to those who lack love and compassion for us.
"But I say unto you, LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you." (Matt 5: 44)
7 years ago