Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Two Mom's

I have been overwhelmingly blessed to have two mom's.

My first mom, the one who gave birth to me, is very special to me. I admire her strength and courage to attend church as a youth when her family no longer desired to. I admire the leap of faith she took when she married my dad and decided to have a family at a very young age with little support. I admire the generosity she shows to those around her in so many different ways. I admire her determination to have relationships with all her family members and to let them know how much she loves, cares, and thinks about them. I admire the selflessness she has shown through all the years I have known her, giving up things she wanted to do or to have for the good of her family. I admire her humility and desire to always strive to do just a little better than the day before. I admire the bottomless pit of love she has had for me and all my siblings, even when it was difficult to love us. I admire my mother for the person she has been, the person that she is, and the person that she is becoming. I couldn't ask for anyone better to be my mom than my own.

I love you mom.

Second, is my mother-in-law. I have only known her for eight or nine years, but I have learned so much from her. She has become a close friend and someone I can count on to support and lift me up. She has given me one of my most treasured gifts, her son. She has served, sacrificed, worked hard, loved, taught, and much, much more in order to give me a husband that no one really deserves to have. He is a tribute to who and what she is and I love her so much for that. Thank you!

Happy Mother's Day to my two moms!

1 comment:

Dale & Lynn Leishman said...

Thank you Trina. I am blessed to have a daughter-in-love like you as well. I am so glad that you two are so happy! And so glad to have you in my life!


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