Thursday, August 14, 2008

Just a Cute Baby!

Gracie is 9 months old now and growing faster every day. She refuses to crawl, probably because her army crawl gets her where she wants to go much faster, but she pulls herself up on furniture and is starting to walk along it (usually when she sees something she wants). She just had her well-baby visit yesterday and she is still a BIG GIRL! She is 75% for her weight (which means she is slowing down in that department), but she is still off the charts for her height. Looks like we have a basketball player in the making!
She certianly never goes hungry! Even after she fills her tummy up with baby food, she wants whatever everyone else is eating. Food is like a magnet for her! Gotta watch out for that in future!

She is such a happy baby! She smiles and laughs very easily. She just learned how to clap and immitates everyone else who does it. It's so cute! I love it!

I'll post a video of her playing soon.
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1 comment:

thechristensens said...

She really is a cute baby! I love the cheeks! Macie used to have squishy cheeks, but now she's a little skinny girl! At the doctor's office, they never even showed me charts...she was off the charts for everything! All of your kids are adorable! Good job!


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