Saturday, June 7, 2008

New Love

Well, it's official. Rylee doesn't want to have anything to do with anything girly. She recently told me that she doesn't want to take dance anymore because she doesn't like it (break my heart!) I told her I would be sad not to be able to watch her on the stage anymore and she told me "I'll just sing instead!" There goes all my dreams of watching my dancer daughter on the stage. Maybe Gracie will comply! But, trying to be a good mom, I didn't tell her how sad I was that she doesn't want to do it and got excited with her when she discovered this (see video) new sport. She seems to be quite natural at it. You can't tell very well from the video, but just before I took this one she was hitting almost every other ball that was thrown and hard too! That ball went so far at times! I guess she is meant to be an athlete in more boyish ways than girly ways. But anyhow, I love to watch her at everything she does and I still feel so proud when she hits that ball!


Jen & Johnny said...

So FUN!!! Johnny really hopes that the girls want to play sports rather than do the dance thing!! I am so excited for them to get old enough to do anything like that!! But I must admit that I love watching your videos of Rylee in her dance recitals and see those darling costumes!!! So so so fun!!

Gertsch Family said...

That is awesome! Its funny how they all have their own things that they like! I was a total tom boy when I was growing up and my little girl might end up doing the dance thing! She is cute!


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