Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Hot Dad!


Last week I entered Justin in a "Hot Dad" contest and voting has begun today. It would be really great if everyone who reads this post would vote for him. The first place winner gets a 47" LCD HDTV and Justin really deserves it. Our TV is about to give up any day and he dreads the idea of buying a new one. I thought this would be a really great father's day gift! All you have to do is go to arizonamoms.com and register. It will ask you for a username and your e-mail address and then you just copy some code so they know you're a real person. Then, they will send you an e-mail assigning you a password. When you get that e-mail just forward it to me (if you don't mind) at katrinaleishman@gmail.com and I will go online for you everyday and vote for Justin. We can vote once a day until the 11th and I plan on spending a lot of time on the internet making sure my husband gets as many votes as I can find for him. The picture above is the one to look for if you want to do it yourself. Thanks a ton for your help, and also to those who have already participated!
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