Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My Little Star

Rylee loves to sing. She usually makes up her own songs that consist of various off the wall thoughts. We usually can't understand what she's saying and I found out recently it's because she isn't saying anything. Sometimes, in the middle of the song, she will just make sounds or hum to fill in the space where she can't think of words. She's so creative! Anyway, today she told me that she wants to sing on T.V. and since I don't have my own show to put her on, we made this video to suffice her desire to be a star. Now she's on the computer and that works just as well for her. Hope you enjoy the show!


Jen & Johnny said...

That is so funny!! She is so dramatic and emotional!!! That is awesome!!! She is destined to be a star!!!

becki said...

OMG! Hahahahahahahah! I am dying! You have the most entertaining kids. I love it!


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