Thursday, January 31, 2008

I've Been Tagged

Okay, I've been tagged again so this time I will respond to it. The first question is "What was I doing 10 years ago?" Well, I would have been sixteen and in my sophmore year in high school. That was the year I had my "first love" (ahhhhh). I was on the dance team in school and practiced everyday, so right now, that's where I would have been 10 years ago.

Things I would do with a Billion dollars!

1. Tour every country that I find remotely interesting (England, France, China, Japan, Italy, Greece, etc.)
2. Go to New York and spend a month watching every show and eating in every restaraunt.
3. Buy and island that I would take all my family and friends to vacation on.
4. I would create my own organization to help families with children.
5. I would buy a plane so I could go anywhere I wanted whenever I wanted!
6. I would send my dad and my husband on a Safari hunt and they could take whomever else they wish to join them.
7. I would buy my mom her dream house that she has designed and redesigned since I was very small.

Three bad habits

1. I bite my nails
2. I correct my husband's parenting too much (as if I were the perfect parent)
3. I eat too many desserts

Places I have lived

1. Winfield, Kansas
2. Billings, Montana
3. Rexburg, Idaho
4. Sacramento, California
5. Gridley, California
6. Oakland, California
7. Albany, Georgia
8. Another city in California that I can't remember the name of
9. Mesa, Arizona

Jobs I have had

1. Babysitting
2. Cleaning my dad's dental lab
3. Burger King cashier
4. Jazzercise Babysitter
5. Tanning Salon
6. Sears
7. Salesman for ADT
8. Phone telemarketer
9. My favorite. . . THE MOM

Things that you probably don't know about me:

1. I think I am hilarious! (probably more than others think I am).
2. I sing in the car as if I were on stage and often imagine what it would be like to perform.
3. I analyze everything . . . EVERYTHING. . . to the point where I have a plan a,b,c,d,e, and so on for just about any situation you can think of.
4. I'm pretty sure if I fall off the water tube behind a boat, wearing a life jacket, going less than 5 mph, I will die.
5. God only made three perfect children, and he gave them all to me !! :)
6. I always count steps when I climb them and go down them.
7. When the volume on the T.V. or radio goes up and down by numbers, I have to have it be a multiple of five. I know, it's strange and I can't explain it, but it is what it is.
8. John Travolta is the only man I would ever leave my husband for (j.k. I adore my husband, but I've had this crush for as long as I can remember)
9. I am convinced that if John Travolta ever met me he would immediatly fall deeply in love with me and ask me to run away with him, which of course I will decline because I am in love with my husband who is far more hansome and charismatic (love you, babe!)
and 10. My husband is far more righteous than me and I am convinced that if it weren't for me, he would probably be bishop already! :)

I tag my mom, my sister, Britney, and Kelyn


Jen & Johnny said...

So fun!!! I love reading things like that about people!!!

Brittney said...

Wow I love these things cuz you get to know eachother a bit better. Thanks for the tag:)


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