So, here is how we ended our Thanksgiving vacation . . .

I put Gracie down for a nap on our next to last day in Idaho and left her upstairs alone. About 30 min. later, Justin got back from his daily adventure and I asked him to go upstairs and check on Gracie since I wasn't finished cleaning up and hadn't gotten to her yet. A few minutes later, he calls my cell phone and says I need to come up right away. I ran up and found Justin cleaning up the floor which was covered wish
Rylee's spray
de-tangler. At first, I was like, "why am I here?", but then Justin handed me an empty bottle of
claritin and showed me the two left he found on the floor. I grabbed the bottle and rushed to find my mother-in-law who it belonged to in order to find out how many were in there. She said somewhere around 10, no more than 20 maybe, but wasn't completely sure. I called poison control and they sent us to the E.R. We spent six hours there so they could observe her. They did have to give her an i.v. in case anything happened, but overall, she was fine. Seven hours after the incident, we took her home and went to bed. She woke up shortly after we were all asleep screaming because of stomach pain. We figured it was gas, but after the third time of her waking and screaming, we decided to take her back. Turns out we were right, and that it was probably a side effect of the charcoal she had to drink to absorb the pills she swallowed. So, after another 2 1/2 hrs. at the hospital, we went back to Justin's uncle's house, slept for a few hours, got up, packed, and came home. Everything ended up fine and she's back to her normal, crazy self again!