Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Don't worry, we're still here

I don't have any pictures to post just yet, but we did make it to California and are slowly getting our lives back in order. I love the weather and being on a farm. The kids are loving being able to spend so much time out doors and all their fun new chores, such as, gardening, picking vegetables from the garden, feeding the chickens, riding the golfcart to go find blackberry pushes for a special treat, and all the other fun things that come along with being on a farm like riding on tractors playing in dirt all day long!

There will be pictures soon, as soon as I can find my camera hookups. Till then!

1 comment:

Barnes Blog said...

How fun!!!! I am honestly very jealous! Keep us posted. We have to keep in touch, it'd be great to be able to come see you guys or hook up again some how somewhere.


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