Sunday, May 23, 2010

Tres Chic

So, after expanding my little business outside of my mother-in-law's studio, I have found that "Trina's Sweet Shoppe" was a rather poor choice in business names. People think I make and sell candy! So, after much help from family and friends, I have changed my name to Tres Chic.

Here are my reasons.

1. It's simple and easy to say.
2. The point of my business is to make myself and others feel pretty and chic!
3. I have three girls, and started to call it "Three Chic" but then figured the Spanish word for three is tres. And while they are pronounced differently, they are spelt the same. Sooooo it's a tiny, tiny play on words!

Check out my new blog/website HERE.

And a huge shout out to my sister-in-law Taryn who designed my logo. Twice now!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Come and See!

I know I haven't posted in such a long time, and so much has been happening around here! But, I still don't have time to post right now about my family happening. This post has only one purpose: to tell you about my "Sweet Shoppe!"

A few months ago I decided I wanted to make a tu-tu for Rylee to wear to dance, then I thought, I have to make one for Gracie and Bree! Then, I thought it would be fun to sell these at my mother-in-law's dance studio. How perfect is that! Only thing is, what do I call this new business of mine?

Fast forward one week. . .

My sister-in-law, Taryn, was visiting for the weekend and walked into the room as I was working on a tu-tu with the colors hot pink, light pink, and brown. She said, "That looks like Neopolitan colors." Ah-ha! And my new business name and slogan was born. "Trina's Sweet Shoppe: A tu-tu for every sweet tooth!"

Now, I name all my tu-tu's after some sort of sweet treat and adorn each one with a little piece of candy.

I'm really excited! I've been doing it almost two months and have already had more orders than I can often keep up with. I'm having a booth at the farmers market this summer and at the town's "Red Suspenders Day" event. (A huge event for Gridley). I have developed an etsy and a blog. My seller name on etsy is trinassweetshoppe and you can go to my new blog HERE.

I've never considered myself a real creative person, but I have been inspired by my oldest daughters creativity. If she can develop a creative talent, than so can I! I've even started to add hair accessories and have had so much fun creating.

I would love as much feed back as possible, here or on my shoppe blog. Thanks for all your input in advance!

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